Fire Extinguisher Services Company NYC

When they need a reliable Fire Extinguisher Services Company NYC property managers from Queens to the Bronx know to call Master Fire. Especially if it’s time for inspections on your Suppression system, commercial sprinkler, or fire extinguishers.

At Master Fire Systems of New York, we understand your businesses’ need for prompt dependable fire extinguisher service. Since 1969 we have been selling, installing, inspecting and testing fire extinguishers for New York City property managers. That includes 24 hour emergency service, and 365 day a year availability.

We have a shop on premises where we recharge all types of fire extinguishers including CO2. We install, commission, test and repair engineered as well as pre-engineered systems including for kitchen applications.

Fire extinguishers are one of the best fire suppression methods available. However, because they aren’t used daily, it is easy to forget about the need to maintain them. And neglecting your fire extinguisher’s routine maintenance could leave you without the protection you need when an emergency arises.

Also property managers and restaurant owners from The Bronx to Queens need to be aware that failure to document your fire extinguisher’s maintenance (as denoted on the certificate of inspection tag), could result in fines for code violations, endanger the public and force your business to shut down until said violations are cured.

That’s why Master Fire offers fire extinguisher testing and inspections, fire extinguisher repair, fire extinguisher installation and disposal whether your business or property is located in Manhattan or Brooklyn.

Don’t just hire any fire protection company near you to care for your fire extinguisher needs. Call Master Fire before a crisis situation occurs.

Contact Master Fire of New York City for expert service for fire extinguisher testing and inspection.

Master Fire systems testing and inspection services.

Master Fire Systems testing and inspection services or what property managers in Queens New York need. Landlords are responsible for ensuring their fire extinguishers are fully functional by scheduling routine fire extinguisher inspections.

Monthly inspections should take place to verify your fire extinguisher is not in need of immediate repair or replacement. Your monthly inspection should check the Vizza Bility of labels, ensure no tampering attempts have been made, and examine the overall integrity of the extinguisher for obvious damage. Among other things, in addition to your monthly inspection, an annual inspection and formal testing must be performed by your local fire protection company.

Masterfiresystems is a professional team of certified professionals that has been certifying fire extinguisher needs since 1969. We ensure that your fire extinguishers meet industry standards, and documents as well as verify your extinguishers maintenance log. You will also need to perform an internal inspection and test every six years with your local fire protection company to ensure your fire extinguishers internal function is up to standard. When your fire extinguisher needs to be serviced, look no further than the professional team at Master Fire systems of New York. Contact us today to have your fire extinguisher inspected, tested, recharged, disposed of serviced or any other installation needs you may have.

Why not check out our YOUTUBE CHANNEL where we have dozens of helpful, short and informative videos related to the types of fire extinguishers that are appropriate for your needs.  You can ask for a DETAILED QUOTE BY CLICKING THIS LINK.

Remember when they need the best fire extinguisher services company NYC property managers trust Master Fire.